Java Notes

Java NOtes and cheat sheet I wrote during work and academia

1. ArrayList

ArrayList is implemented based on primitive array

ArrayList myarrlist = new ArrayList()

1.Type Satety

ArrayList provides stronger type safety ensurance than array

2. Flexibility

ArrayList has Dynamic, and a better interface

3. Size vs length

Size is the capacity
length is the actually length

4. Multi-dimension

arraylist doesn’t support multi-dimension, array does

5, primitive types

ArrayList doesn’t support primitive types

2. Multi-threading

Primitive types gurantees thread-safety
Immutable objects are thread-safe, but mutable objects are not.
For example, String is thread-safe, Stringbuffer is not.

3. String pool

String str1 = new string("abc") // allocate space on heap, put it in string pool, return reference from  heap
String str2 = "abc" // search in string pool to find if same string exists, by method "equals", return reference from string pool
obvisouly, str1.equals(str2) == True 
but, str1 != str2, as str1 refer to heap, str2 refer to string pool

String str3 = "abc"
str2 = str3, as both refer to string pool

str1 = str1.intern() 
// if string pool contains the object str1 is referring(on heap), refer to string pool instead of heap. ojbect on heap will go to GC 
now str2 = str1 = str3

// string concate
a + b, if both constant, consider as string literal
a + b, if either is not constant, consider as variable, use new String()

Written with StackEdit.